Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Are The Benefits Of TCM?


As a practicing acupuncturist it is crucial to tell and educate individuals and communities to how acupuncture could help them. Throughout my journey as an acupuncturist the most common doubt that arises in talking is “What is acupuncture?”. Acupuncture is a very old form of health care and was produced from Traditional China Medicine. Before describing what acupuncture is it's significant to first understand where it came from.

Traditional Chinese Medication concepts have been used for thousands of years for the treatment and diagnosis of disease. The foundations of Chinese Health thought arise from the concepts of yin and yang. Yin is mentioned to be dark, unconsious, feminine and nurturing; yang is bright, aware, masculine and defensive. When the body becomes diseased it is said that yin and yang are from balance.

Traditional treatments Included in Chinese Medication that assist to naturally restore a bodies balance are these practices as: Acupuncture, Moxabustion(heat therapy), Cupping therapy, Tui-na(manual treat and manipulation) diet and natural therapy.These forms of medication have been utilized and modified into a comprehensive healthcare method that was utilized to avoid and treat disease for thousands of years.These treatments give a myriad of different distinctive approaches to treating disease effectively.

Acupuncture is location of tiny needles into certain anatomical places to elicit a therapeutic response. These points are spread throughout the body and are believed to work by targeting the central nervous system.

Moxabustion is a form of heat therapy that has been used in the east for hundreds of years. Moxa is produced from the organic mugwort. Once lighted, moxa burns slowly and emits a potent source of heat that could be used to help enhance healing and recovery.

Cupping therapy involves the placement of tiny glass cups about the part of injury to induce blood flow and get rid of stagnation. There are two types of cupping techniques:

Fire cupping involves creating a small vacuum barrier amongst the skin and the glass jar. A little flame is drawn underneath the cup in order to draw out oxygen molecules and create a tight short-term bond involving the skin. Even though this method sounds frightening it is painless.

Suction Cupping is identical to fire cupping except instead of utilizing a flame to create a vacuum among the skin and the cup instead a pump draws out extra air to create a tight, comfortable close between the cup plus the skin.

Tui-na is style of therapeutic massage that been utilized by east civilizations to restore health for hundreds of years. A doctor of Traditional Chinese language Medication can use Tui-na along with stretches, manipulations and contemporary approaches to massage in order to restore health and happiness to a patient.

TCM is famous for having a very advanced method of "diet therapy" to deal with disease. Many Chinese health text's state that when a individual is diseased their diet must really be the first thing considered. Typically, Chinese Doctor's prescribe herbs and nutritional therapy as a main means of treating illness. Presently, over 2,000 many TCM herbs are used in medical settings. Many traditional herbs have been read in laboratory settings and research has indicated many herbs contain naturally active medicinal ingredients that will you be able to help treat disease. As chinese medication continues to gain favor amidst the health community we are going to continue to see evidence towards it's effectiveness in scientific settings.

Visit Dr.Zachar's Main Site For More Information about ; other acupuncture related information can be found here What Is Alternative Medicine All About?.

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